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Berkeley Boosts Webinar | Speaking Up: Whistleblowers, Whistleblowing and the US’s Unique Approach to Fraud Enforcement

April 21, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

This three-panel series looks at whistleblowing, whistleblower laws and the impacts they have had on fraud enforcement efforts over the last 35 years. Register here.

  • On April 21, two whistleblowers, along with a leading author on whistleblowing, discuss what motivates individual whistleblowers to speak up and the risks they face when they do. 
  • On April 22, three experts in whistleblower laws will discuss the history and structure of the federal False Claims Act’s unique whistleblower provisions, and how they became the US’s chief fraud enforcement tool. 
  • Finally, on April 26, officials from the Department of Justice, the Securities & Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will join us to discuss the successes and impacts of their agencies’ whistleblower programs, and what’s ahead for whistleblower enforcement in the near and longer terms.

MCLE credit will be made available to Berkeley Boosts participants who view the webinars live. Berkeley Boosts is a monthly series of free webinars (with MCLE credit) and articles for legal practitioners and organizational leaders. Berkeley Boosts content is carefully curated by the Berkeley Center for Law and Business and Berkeley Law Executive Education to ensure engaging discussions on subjects that matter. Expose yourself to different viewpoints, gain insights into emerging technologies, and learn from leading practitioners who share their experience, expertise, successes, and failures.


Via Zoom




Total MCLE Credits Offered
Course Dates
April 21, 22, 26, 2021