

Why is it now easier to challenge federal agency interpretations of the law?  How have recent Supreme Court decisions changed the legal analysis for regulatory challenges? What are the implications for federal agencies and civil litigation? This episode discusses the post-Chevron deference to agency interpretations of the law, and the implications of Loper Bright with Matt Wessler of Gupta Wessler, Berkeley Law Professor Sharon Jacobs, and Judge Jeremy Fogel (Ret.), Executive Director of the Berkeley Judicial Institute.

The Conversations on Civil Justice Series is supported by a gift from the AAJ’s Robert L. Habush Endowment. Co-sponsored with the Berkeley Judicial Institute.

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Recorded on December 6, 2024.


Headshot of Jeremy Fogel

Jeremy Fogel

Executive Director, Berkeley Judicial Institute at Berkeley Law

Headshot of Sharon Jacobs

Sharon Jacobs

Professor at Berkeley Law

Headshot of Matthew Wessler

Matthew Wessler

Principal at Gupta Wessler PLLC