

This one-hour webinar explores what companies can do to build trust with investors. Our experts discuss Edelman’s 2021 Investor Trust report — a survey of 700 institutional investors across seven countries — to answer this question. Speakers include Catherine Buan, Investor Relations at Asana; Heidi DuBois, Global Head of ESG at Edelman; and John Hoeppner, Head of US Stewardship and Sustainable Investments at LGIM America.

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Recorded on December 14, 2021.
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Headshot of Catherine Buan

Catherine Buan

Investor Relations at Asana

Headshot of Heidi Dubois

Heidi Dubois

Global Head of ESG at Edelman

Headshot of John Hoeppner

John Hoeppner

Head of US Stewardship and Sustainable Investments at LGIM America